Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Trooper-Gate Refusal

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is now refusing to testify in the Trooper-Gate ethics scandal currently unfolding in her home state. This is in spite of the fact that she previously agreed to cooperate fully in the investigation. Subpoenas have been issued for many Alaskan officials, plus Palin's husband in the matter. Note that the announcement came not from the office of the governor, nor from her own spokesperson, but from the McCain campaign spokesman. Very telling.

Palin may just be more Bush and is McCain!

16 September 2008

17 September 2008 Addition: In a post titled Smoke and Mirrors, the following appeared at TPM:

TPM Reader TR sees the forest for the trees in Trooper-Gate:

Let's assume for a minute that Palin, McCain and all of their collective cronies are right about the trooper-gate investigation being 100% a partisan witch hunt, notwithstanding the original vote. So freakin' what? In the US, congress and state legislatures are tasked with investigating actions of the executive offices. The executives can then present evidence to defend themselves, and their evidence can include displays of outright partisanship if they find it. They cannot legally, however, just ignore the legislative bodies. They are legally required to cooperate. This is theoretically what makes us different from countries like North Korea, Musharraf's Pakistan, Zimbabwe, etc.

On a second point, how is McCain's campaign legally able to insert itself into an issue that is solely about Alaska? The investigation has nothing to do with anything outside of Alaska and it predates Palin's VP candidacy, so it seems to me like some kind of obstruction or interference from a legal point of view.

Remember, the game here is to delay, delay, delay until after the election.

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