Friday, December 19, 2014

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Fertilization Fireworks

From The Huffington Post:

Talk about fireworks in the bedroom. 
When a sperm cell fuses with an egg, it triggers the sudden release of zinc atoms from the egg's surface. That's been known since 2011. Now, for the first time ever, scientists have observed these "sparks" in action and figured out where they come from. 
“The egg first has to stockpile zinc and then must release some of the zinc to successfully navigate maturation, fertilization and the start of embryogenesis,” Dr. Thomas V. O’Halloran, a professor of chemistry and molecular biosciences at Northwestern University in Chicago and one of the scientists, said in a written statement. “But exactly how much zinc is involved in this remarkable process and where is it in the cell? We needed data to better understand the molecular mechanisms at work as an egg becomes a new organism.”

I had no idea!  (See video at The Huffington Post link above.)

17 December 2014

Christmas Tree Cats

This rings true.

17 December 2014

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Sam, The Cat with Eyebrows

I give you Sam, the cat with eyebrows.  Man, those markings are awesome.  And for whatever reason, he seems French.

10 December 2014

Friday, November 14, 2014

Sea Otter Pup, Take Two

Last week, I posted about an orphaned sea otter pup that was rescued and is being raised by the dedicated staff of an aquarium.  Today, the Huffington Post had a story about the pup's on-going care and a video of a person helping the pup learn to swim and eat on its own.  Wonderful and wonderfully adorable!

14 November 2014

Monday, November 10, 2014

Judiciary Gutting Obamacare?

This story broke a week ago and it honestly was probably bigger news than the election.  I was waiting to find someone to explain its absurdity.  Paul Krugman is that someone.

The term "judicial activism" is thrown around by both sides will-nilly, but neither really understands what it is.  Most of the time, it is applied incorrectly.

This is an example of it on its face.

10 November 2014

The Politics of Inequality

Josh Marshall at TPM has an interesting article on why income inequality may not be a winning political topic in the future, at least not when considered with the current policy choices now on the table.

10 November 2014

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Car Talk Tribute

Following the death of his brother Tom, Ray Magliozzi paid tribute to Tom on this week's Car Talk.  While it was sad in and of itself having the show hosted only by one of them, it was a joyful experience overall.  I had tears in my eyes for much of the hour and most of those tears were from laughing!  Seriously, the first bit that was played had me laughing as hard as I have in quite some time.

Thank you Ray and god bless you both!

9 November 2014

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Sea Otter Pup Rescue

Okay, beyond being a super story, I am also struck by how much this sea otter pup reminds me of the gopher in Caddyshack!

6 November 2014

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Mitch McConnell's Horrible Genius

Originally found through a short writing at TPM, the original piece from that inspired it.

To prevent Obama from becoming the hero who fixed Washintong, McConnell decided to break it.

It is true and both writings are worth your time following yesterday's election.

5 November 2014

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Daniel Radcliffe Rapping

Another indication that the Harry Potter film makers chose wisely with their casting at such a young age.

4 November 2014

Monday, November 3, 2014

Tom Magliozzi Passes

I am heartbroken.

While traveling in my car this afternoon, I learned from NPR that Tom Magliozzi had passed away.  You may better know Tom as "Click."  He and his brother Tom "Clack" Magliozzi hosted Car Talk on NPR for almost 35 years.

The "Tappet Brothers" as they were also known have been a fixture in my own life since my early teen years.  I inherited a love of automobiles from my paternal grandfather and it is for this reason that I was first drawn to the show.  However -- and likely true for most of their devoted listeners -- it was for their laughter and quick, wacky wit that I truly listened to the show.

Mercy but those brothers could laugh!  It was infectious and if you wouldn't smile listening to them, you couldn't smile at all.  And yes, I also learned a fair amount about cars and car repair from them, too.

I wish very much that I'd had the opportunity to meet Mr. Magliozzi.  Perhaps one day I'll get lucky and meet his younger brother.  They both are the type of public person "in your life" who, while you don't actually know them, you very much feel as if you do.

I remember being asked one of those "what if" questions in life a couple of years ago: If you could have a beer with any three people in the world, who would they be?  The first that came to mind were Click & Clack.  And yes, they counted in my mind as one person!  That would have been a glorious night of conversation indeed.

Car Talk ended its airing of new shows about two years ago and has been "in reruns" since.  I assumed that the brothers were simply taking a well-earned retirement.  I wish that had been the case.  Tom Magliozzi died at 77 after battling Alzheimer's disease.  God, how I hate Alzheimer's!

I wept at this news.

My thoughts and prayers go out to Mr. Magliozzi's family and friends, especially his wife and his brother Tom.  Tom, I'd like to drive like your brother.  I could do a lot, lot, worse.

And thank you to you both for so many great memories and so much laughter.

3 November 2014

4 November 2014 Addition: NPR's Fresh Air will be featuring Click & Clack on the show today.  I believe that the direct link is here.

5 November 2014 Addition:  Boston Globe obit here.  Pieces by Wait, Wait... Don't Tell Me host Peter Sagal and Silvia Killingsworth of The New Yorker at the time of Click & Clack's retirement.  A 1988 article in the New York Times.

The human soul is an odd thing.  Strange what ends up hitting you hard.  This continues to hit me hard.

6 November 2014 Addition:  Cartoon by Pat Bagley, the Salt Lake Tribune.


Taylor Swift Vertigo

Okay, this SNL sketch is pretty funny.

3 November 2014

Friday, October 10, 2014

I Want My Pets NOW

This coati will tell you when you can stop petting him.  FYI, the answer is "never."

10 October 2014

Addition:  And while not entirely related, I give you cats stealing the beds of dogs.


Thursday, October 9, 2014

Cat Explains "Dog" to Kitten

Ze Frank has put together a video of cats coming to grips with the arrival of a dog in their home.  And older cat is providing words of wisdom to his younger feline friend.  As you might expect, it is hilarious.  The only down side is that it seems to be a ninja-ad for Friskies.  No one who loves their cat would -- nor should -- feed her Friskies!

Dear kitten, you may have noticed that there's a new thing in the house," the cat begins, with the tone of someone about to drop a bombshell. "It is called a 'dog'... Imagine a cat. Now take away cleanliness, independence, and intelligence. What you have left is basically a dog.

9 October 2014

Addition 10 October 2014:  There are others in the series.

My Friend Peanut



Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Calvin & the Cost of a Child

A good friend forwarded me a link to a new tongue-in-cheek study about the financial costs of raising a child.  As opposed to the emotional costs, which I assume are soul-crushing on a daily basis.  (Remember who is writing here following that last sendence!)  Of course, I also know that I cost my parents a good deal more money than the average child.  As I mentioned to this friend, all of this is why I am the parent of cats!

This study focused on the comic strip Calvin & Hobbes and uses Calvin's destructive habits to gauge the cost of childhood destruction of property.  I'm so glad that she thought of me.  I loved reading this.

And remember kids:  BATS AREN'T BUGS!!!!!!!

8 October 2014

Friday, October 3, 2014

1924 World Series

I've been staying up way-too-late watching baseball this week.  The Royals have to stop taking games into extra innings!

Today, I found footage of another extra-innings game, this one played to conclude the 1924 World Series.   That is right... footage from 1924!  The Washington Senators beat the New York Giants.  President Coolidge was at the game.  The footage from the Library of Congress is remarkably clear.  Fun to see, especially given the fact that the Nationals are playing the Giants this post season.


3 October 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014

Leopard Kill

Great video of a leopard leaping from a tree to make a kill.

Leopard Attack: Leopard Jumps From Tall Tree to Ambush Impala

As usual, I'm having trouble getting ABC-linked clips to embed, so follow the link above if you can't see the video.

Addition:  If you want to skip the kill and just see photographs of the cat, start at the 1:20 mark in the video.

29 September 2014

Hamster Playground

A smile for your Monday.

29 September 2014

Friday, September 26, 2014

Goodbye Jeter

Not being a life-long Red Sox fan, I don't have the preternatural hatred of the Yankees that, say, my wife does.  Regardless of your feelings on the Yankees, every baseball fan should appreciate Derek Jeter's accomplishments and the way he ended his career in his home stadium.

26 September 2014

Friday, September 19, 2014

Puppies Head Outdoors

Tchaikovsky joins puppies on their first trip outdoors.

19 September 2014

"We All Fall Down"

The folks who know me best know that I am a huge fan of Shawn Colvin.  Prior to meeting my wife, I always attended her concerts alone.  They were almost a religious experience that I didn't want to share with anyone else.  And while I always eagerly awaited a new, all-to-rare album, the first times listening to those albums were often disappointing.  It was almost as if I was saying to myself that the new simply cannot match the old.  Perhaps this is true.  And yet without deviation over time -- short or long -- I've come to love each and every Colvin album.  (Well, so far except the Lullaby album.  I have only ever give that album one listen.)  It has been at least six month, probably more, since I last listened to her latest album and today while searching for any upcoming Colvin shows in our area, I was greeted by her video for We All Fall Down.  The video itself is classic, charming, weird Colvin.  I'll throw that album on this weekend.  And who knows, maybe at some point I'll listen to Lullaby a second time.

And also, Arrrrrrgggghhhhhh!

19 July 2014

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Abbey Road Live

Apparently, there is a camera running 24-hours a day on the crosswalk made famous by the Beatles.  Who knew?  If you watch it long enough, you'll probably see folks acting out the album cover!

16 September 2014

Lupita Nyong'o on Sesame Street

The ever-lovely and charming Lupita Nyong'o paid a visit to Sesame Street to talk about skin with Elmo.

If you missed my previous post involving Ms. Nyong'o last March, you can find it here.  That video is worth your time, too.

16 September 2014

Rafael Mantesso & Jimmy Choo

Brazilian illustrator Rafael Mantesso has created wonderful little bits of joy using his drawing skills and photographs of his bull terrier Jimmy Choo.  I dare you not to smile!

16 September 2014

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Kids, Guns, & Stupidity

A 9-year-old girl lost her life this week firing an Uzi.  No, she wasn't the one who actually died -- she shot and killed her instructor -- but her life is over just the same.  I cannot fathom the horror in her mind and heart and how she will replay this terrible moment over and over for the rest of her life.  Therapy will cost more than college.

I'm definitely choosing to focus my sorrow on the girl, not the dead instructor.  I'm not happy that he is dead by any means, but I'm not exactly sad either.  It is more like I'm seeing Darwinism in rapid action.  Put an Uzi in the hands of a little kid... what could go wrong?

Ultimately, while the instructor was an idiot, this entire episode is the fault of this girl's parents.  They have destroyed her life.  They ended the life of this man.  And unless they are entirely miserable excuses for human beings, they have destroyed their own lives as well.

Sadly, this entire episode isn't surprising.  And I won't be surprised when it happens yet again... and again... and again.  We are a nation too stupid about guns to do anything sane.

Sad.  Very sad.

28 August 2014

Additions 3 September 2014: From TPM comes two stories as follow-up. First, the little girl in question immediately after the shooting complained to her parents both that the gun was too powerful for her -- duh! -- and that she was in pain from firing it... so much so that the parents focused on their daughter and didn't even notice that she'd killed her instructor.

Second, it appears that the gun range can't locate the release forms signed by the girl's parents.

Prancing Piglet

Talk about knee-high-to-a-grasshopper!

28 August 2014

Addition:  I'm going to through a pygmy hippo in here for fun.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Burning of Washington DC

Great, great article at TPM on the history of the burning of government buildings in Washington DC by the British in 1814, 200 years ago this week.  The history that Americans have been taught may not actually be correct after all.  Well worth a read.

23 August 2014

Friday, August 22, 2014

"A Man and His Cat"

My wife set this article in the New York Times aside for me earlier this month.  Except for the author not having a wife, it could in large part have been written by me.  I love my wife beyond words and cannot imagine my life now without her.  However, I inquired very early in our courtship whether cats could be a (big) part of her life.  If she'd have said "no," that probably would have been that.  Thankfully for me, I have both in my life... which actually makes it a life.

22 August 2014

Unfortunate Photos

I'm going to admit that this made me laugh a ridiculous amount.  I don't see what is off about number three, however.

22 August 2014

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Coach We all Want

The Huffington Post has a nice story about a speech given to team just knocked out of the Little League World Series.  Coach Dave Belisle does the game and himself proud.  And he's so New England while doing it!  Take a look.

19 August 2014

Pit Bull + Bunny = Adorable

Too cute.  That tongue moves the bunny about three inches with every lick!

19 August 2014

Friday, August 15, 2014

More True Facts About...

Last month, I was introduced to Ze Frank and blogged about his animal-related comedy videos here.  Last night, I shared his owl video with my spouse to much laughter.  We also watched True Facts About Sloths, which is probably my second favorite to date.

15 August 2014

Addition:  Adding the Baby Echidna.

Addition 2: And because I cannot stop myself, the Dung Beetle.

When I was in Tanzania, I spent what my fellow travelers mistakenly thought was a rediculously large amount of time looking at dung beetles.  Pure awesome and not just because they play a huge role in the enrichment of African soil.

Also the Fruit Bat.


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Cats Knocking Items Off Ledges

After I shared Puppies Rolling Down Hills with a colleague, she sent me this video in return.

I can vouch for its truth.  And they do seem to love medicine bottles!

14 August 2014

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Friday, August 8, 2014

Human Slinky

The Huffington Post featured a story on an act that includes a human slinky.  Pretty cool.

8 August 2014

Gene Links for Celiac Disease

A blog post at Triumph Dining details basic information on new gene research and celiac disease.  A person possessing one or two copies of a particular high-risk gene having much higher odds of being afflicted by the disease.  Indeed, almost 90% of folks with celiac disease will have at least one copy of this gene.

8 August 2014

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Lincoln, Handwriting, & Racism

Interesting piece at TPM from Josh Marshall about a copy of a deeply racist book from prior to the Civil War that was recently confirmed to contain Abraham Lincoln's handwriting.  Marshall asks the question "Was Lincoln Racist?"  This is a question that many have been asking since this discovery, although mostly without the necessary rigor of analysis in seeking the answer.  Marshall's article is worth reading.

7 August 2014

A Republican Senate

I'm just flagging this article by Seth D. Michaels at TPM for possible, unfortunate need next January.  I imagine the consequences would be even more dire than the picture Michaels paints here.

7 August 2014

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Nixon, Reagan, & the Invisible Bridge

I've listened to a number of interviews with the author of the new book The Invisible Bridge: The Fall of Nixon & the Rise of Reagan, Rick Perlstein.  They have been most interesting.  At the time of Watergate, it was wondered by the political class if the Republicans were finished as a party, at least at a national level.  And it could have been if Reagan hadn't come along.  He understood that the fears of white Republicans -- and the fears of many white Democrats, too -- could be harnessed with a "positive spin."  Call it hate and fear masquerading as "Morning in America," Barry Goldwater dressed as Shirley Temple.  Watergate and its welling of distrust in the government actually made Reagan's job easier.  And Reagan wasn't a phony.  He actually believed the bullshit he was selling, to the point where he may very well have believed the biography that he'd written for himself that was in many respects simply untrue.  It is fascinating, horrifying stuff.

What is most relevant today is that the seeds planted by Reagan all the way back in the 1960s and watered by him in the 1970s and 1980s, are still growing weeds today.  The playbook has been updated for today's Republican party but now completely omits "Morning in America."  It is the book of Reagan distilled through the paranoid delusions of Nixon.  And it is playing because the now fully-Republican white base sees time has having passed them by.  And nothing sells like fear to those already afraid.  The saving grace today may be that while a very significant part of the country felt this sense of fear in the 1960s and these tactics could thus work nationally, that may no longer be the case.  Regionally, we've seen the power of these tactics over the past decade.  Nationally, we can hope that time has moved the dial enough to combat this fear of change.

I plan on picking up the book, but you can read an excerpt at TPM.

6 August 2014

Friday, August 1, 2014

Stephen Colbert Saves the Day

Rookie Magazine asked comedian Stephen Colbert to be a part of its "Ask a Man" series.  Always nice to see him out of character because he gives every indication of being a good guy.

Colbert also did an "It Gets Better" video.

1 August 2014

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Cubing Watermelon

This video speaks for itself.

31 July 2014

Best Sentences of the Week

Best sentence I've read this week:  “Weather is not climate, you willfully ignorant f**ksticks.”

The close runner-up: "Axon declined to answer questions about specifics in the suit, including whether the man had a penis when he left the hospital."


31 July 2014


The world is a weird, mixed-up place.  Getting fired for this is crazy.  I feel sorry for this guy.

That said, "homophonia" is an A+ word.

31 July 2014

Horror & Shame

Take your pick.  Both describe my feelings about the wealth gap in America across racial, gender, & marital status.

31 July 2014

The Notorious R.B.G.

How had I not heard of this?  Background at TPM. Link to the Notorious R.B.G. site here.

Pure win.

31 July 2014

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Sheldon Whitehouse - Climate Change

From Paige Lavender at The Huffington Post:

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) didn't hold back while schooling his colleague, Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Ok.), about the reality of climate change. 
Inhofe, who has previously stated he thinks climate change is "laughable" and a "hoax," blocked a Senate resolution acknowledging climate change is real on Tuesday. As ThinkProgress points out, that's when Whitehouse jumped in to give Inhofe a lesson in science.
“I appreciate very much having had the opportunity to hear those words, from what I can only describe as an alternate reality, from the one that I inhabit anyway," Whitehouse said after Inhofe's remarks.
As usual, I can't seem to embed video from AOL, so please use the Huffington Post link above to see it.
30 July 2014

Yorkie Tricks

Okay, this is pretty cute.  However, that dog's person must have some serious free time on his or her hands!

30 July 2014

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Homemade Ketchup

NPR had a story that I heard last week -- although it appears that it might have actually be produced last year -- on homemade ketchup.  Here is a link to the story at  The story mentioned a Hudson Valley Food blog called LocalKitchenBlog.  Its author, Kaela Porter, helped with recipe advice for a "fruit butter."  (How awesome does that sound btw?)  I think that this sounds like a fun project, so I wanted to make sure to capture it.

29 July 2014

Addition:  Continuing on this topic, I also wanted to link an associated blog by Marisa McClellan, the author on two books on small-batch canning.  It is  Enjoy.

Comic Con Game of Thrones Panel

I just wanted to save this to watch later!

29 July 2014

"One Fast Cat" Wheel

Our cat Finnegan would love this thing.  Kickstarter here.

29 July 2014

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Cheeky Dogs in Cars

The Huffington Post linked vines involving dogs airing themselves out in the car.  Very LOL funny, but I do wonder where the inevitable saliva is ending up?!?

Sorry, can't seem to embed the video here.

And were our Finnegan a dog, he'd totally be doing this!

24 July 2014

Holy Solar Storm Crap!

Apparently, we dodged a giant, planet-wide bullet in 2012.  You have got to read this story.  And here is the kicker from Caitlin Macneal at TPM:

Perhaps the most terrifying takeaway is that a solar storm could hit Earth in the next ten years. According to an analysis by Predictive Science Inc. physicist Pete Riley, there is a 12 percent chance that a solar storm as powerful as the Carrington event could hit Earth in the next ten years. 
"Initially, I was quite surprised that the odds were so high, but the statistics appear to be correct," Riley told NASA. "It is a sobering figure."

NASA has video that explains the storm.

Talk about screwing with your retirement savings!

24 July 2014

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Obamacare DC Ruling & Fallout

Here is all you -- currently! -- need to know about the two court rulings on the Affordable Care Act that were handed down yesterday in both the Fourth Circuit and the DC Court of Appeals.

Stay informed out there.  Your health is at stake.

23 July 2014

Addition 24 July: A Yale Law School professor, Abbe R. Gluck, has noted indications about how the Supreme Court may lean on this issue based on previous court writings.  Note, however, that the dissent of the conservative justices in question is not binding in any way going forward.  And certainly don't count on consistency from this court!  Original Politico piece here.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Where Everybody Knows Your Name


21 July 2014

Wildlife Visitors in New Mexico

My folks in New Mexico first had a dove family nest in one of the vines near their breakfast patio this summer.  Two chicks, plus the parents.

They then had a masked visitor over this past weekend, again peeking out at them while they ate.  My father said the raccoon later hauled itself up into their birdbath for a drink-and-splash.

While we've had both bobcats and foxes at our house this year, there have been no bears.  Lot's of bears at work have helped make up for that, however!

21 July 2014

"the debt disaster that wasn’t"

From Paul Krugman at the New York Times.

21 July 2014

Open Table: Best BBQ

This list of the 30 best BBQ joints in America according to Open Table seems too light on the South.  Perhaps that reflect the demographics of Open Table more than anything else.  Still, as a lover of BBQ, I like having places to try and more options in the Northeast works for me.

21 July 2014