Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Prop 8: It's Love, Stupid

Kieth Olbermann gave a wonderful, passionate commentary last night on why those who voted for -- or who supported from afar -- Proposition 8 in California last week got it so very, very wrong. He spoke not of politics, but of human decency and the need for love in an unloving world. He asked how one could blindly follow the supposed dictates of one's religion and yet ignore the maxim that all world religions use, namely "do unto others as you would have done unto you."

I highly recommend a look.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Vote Obama!

I've spent the better part of a year telling you why I believe that Barack Obama should be our next president. Part of that, too, was telling the story of why John McCain is not fit for this position. Now, the day of reckoning is at hand. Get out and vote on Tuesday. No line should be too long. No day should be too hot or too cold. No foot should be too tired and no back should ache too much. Just vote.

Vote Barack Obama for President!

Yes we can!

3 November 2008

Trouble Voting?

If you have troubling voting on Tuesday -- or see anyone else having issues -- please, please, please report it. Trouble could include a challenge to your right to vote, trying to get you to cast a provisional ballot, saying that you are not registered, or anything else. Be forceful and do your best to cast an actual ballot. Cast a provisional ballot if all else fails. You should always have that right.

If you run into issues, you can call the Obama campaign hotline for just this reason at 1-877-874-6226. The call is free and the campaign will help you protect your rights and the rights of other voters. You can also contact the campaign via this link if you have a Blackberry or laptop.

You should also report problems to the press. CNN has a free hotline set up as well for this purpose. That number is 1-877-466-2608.

I also mentioned the Video Your Vote campaign in a prior post. If you have a video camera, consider taking it to record any problems at your voting place. You can see what to do with the footage at the link provided. Also at the post are voting tips on protecting your right to vote.

Voting is our most precious right as Americans. Protect and defend it!

3 November 2008

Massachusetts Live!

My wife and I are now Bay Staters. I arrived yesterday and we have managed to move our stuff into our rental home. I'm most excited to begin our new lives here... hopefully celebrating with an Obama victory tomorrow!

3 November 2008