Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Fellow POW Speaks

A fellow Vietnam POW from McCain's days as a prisoner has spoken out against his candidacy. That is not only notable on its face, but for the fact that he's speaking out that their imprisonment helped to render McCain unfit for the presidency. The POW is Philip Butler and his story is presented in a short four-minute film by Robert Greenwald of Brave New Films. Apparently, Butler also knew McCain at the Naval Academy, living across the hall from him. He wrote about that experience as well back in March 2008.

I want to make a couple of things clear. First, this is in no way supported by the Obama campaign. Indeed, I would imagine that they hope that it doesn't gain traction in the press. Second, I have no other information about Mr. Butler, Mr. Greenwald, or Brave New Films. It may be an attempt at Swift Boating (major) or simply be a case of disgruntlement (minor). Or it may be perfectly valid criticism. I think that its worth viewing the film and reading the story, but keep that in mind as you do so.

2 September 2008

Addition: If you have the time to only search one of the above links, read the writing. It details not only his days at the Academy, but also their time as prisoners. Mr. Butler was a POW for eight years -- !!! -- and details his in-country experience well.

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