Thursday, January 17, 2008

Beast Master Huckabee

Last month, I noted that presidential candidate Mike Huckabee (R-AR) doing as well as he has thus far in the race has caused some alarm within the GOP. Largely, this is due to his radically-conservative views on religion, mixed with economic views that don't jibe too well with much of the rest of the party. In other words, they think he will fragment the party and that he is unelectable. Normally, I would be cheering for anyone who could do such harm to the GOP. This guy, however, is so reprehensible that I just can't sit on the sidelines and watch the carnage he wreaks silently.

One of his most vile views has been equating homosexuality with bestiality, something he's alluded to in the past. Now, he's no longer alluding, he's drawing outright parallels.

QUESTIONER: Is it your goal to bring the Constitution into strict conformity with the Bible? Some people would consider that a kind of dangerous undertaking, particularly given the variety of biblical interpretations.

HUCKABEE: Well, I don’t think that’s a radical view to say we’re going to affirm marriage. I think the radical view is to say that we’re going to change the definition of marriage so that it can mean two men, two women, a man and three women, a man and a child, a man and animal. Again, once we change the definition, the door is open to change it again. I think the radical position is to make a change in what’s been historic.

This quote came within the larger discussion of Huckabee's belief that "the Constitution should be subjected to Biblical standards." This guy is so scary and his views are so antithetical to the bedrock of American political theory that its shocking to think that anyone -- anyone! -- would be so foolish as to buy the snake oil that he's selling. If you support him, shame on you. If you don't actively oppose him, get on board.

17 January 2008

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