Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Huckabee & Aids

The HRC released a letter from its president, Joe Solmonese, today regarding presidential candidate Mike Huckabee (R-AR). It reads in part:

Last month, Republican presidential candidate Gov. Mike Huckabee stood by his absurd 1992 comments that AIDS patients should have been "isolated" (it was common knowledge in 1992 that AIDS couldn't be spread by casual contact).

After a public outcry erupted, he agreed to meet with the mother of Ryan White, who died of AIDS in 1990. Now, more than a MONTH later, Huckabee is blatantly ignoring Ryan's mother, along with HRC and The AIDS Institute.

If we back down, he gets off scot-free. Make sure Huckabee knows Americans won't accept empty promises - tell him to meet with Ryan's mother before Feb. 5th, the most important day of the presidential primary season.

You can follow his call-for-action via an HRC on-line form here.

16 January 2008

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