Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Gov. Richardson --> Obama

I encourage my fellow citizens, especially my fellow New Mexicans, to ask Governor Bill Richardson to endorse Senator Barack Obama for President of the United States. Governor Richardson has announced that he will likely endorse a Democrat for the presidency at some point this week.

You can contact Governor Richardson via an e-mail form on the New Mexico State Government web site. A possible message might look something like this:

Governor Richardson,

Now that you have exited the race for the Democratic nomination for president, I urge you to endorse Senator Barack Obama for president. I believe that Senator Obama is not only the best hope for the Democratic Party, but also for America. Your support would go a long way in helping him carry New Mexico in both the caucus and the general election.

Thank you for your time.

29 January 2008


Anonymous said...

I did contact Bill Richardson right after I saw him on Face the Nation today, I think he would be a great running mate...lets hope he endorses Obama before Tuesday.

To Bee or Not to Bee said...

Thank you for your comment on my blog. I appreciate your time. Thank you, too, for taking action!