Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Will Candidates Defend Constitution?

From an e-mail by Will Easton of CREDO Action from Working Assets:

This week the Senate is set to resume debate on wiretapping legislation and whether or not the Bush administration and big telecom companies will be retroactively excused for previous violations of the FISA law. Three key senators (Clinton, McCain, and Obama) who have a unique voice in this debate due to their presidential candidacies are out campaigning; will they return to Washington and stand up for our civil liberties and the rule of law?

Unfortunately the Senate is considering legislation that violates the Fourth Amendment to our Constitution and includes retroactive immunity for telecom companies. Senators Dodd and Feingold, among others, have been fighting alongside us Credo Action members. Dodd has repeatedly voiced his commitment to stop retroactive immunity by any means necessary, including a filibuster.

But where are the Senators who want to be President?

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have both stated that they will support a filibuster of retroactive immunity. But last December both remained on the campaign trail while Senator Dodd forced a delay. John McCain, widely regarded as a political "maverick," has been silent on this critical issue.

If Clinton, McCain, or Obama want to be our President in 2009, they need to stand up for the rule of law now, in 2008.

Please contact Senators Clinton, McCain, and Obama today (through their presidential campaigns) and ask them to leave the campaign trail and return to Washington to protect our civil liberties and stop retroactive immunity from becoming law. After seven years of George W. Bush, we need leaders who will defend Americans' right to privacy. The opportunity for Clinton, McCain, and Obama to prove their mettle is here.

Will you call on them to stand up for the Constitution today?

We can win this fight, but we need our presidential candidates to put the Constitution ahead of politics to stop a bad wiretapping bill.

Thank you for working to build a better world.

Will Easton, Activism Manager

You can answer Mr. Easton's call for action using the form that is found here.

22 January 2008

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