Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Obama for President

I am endorsing Barack Obama for President of the United States. While I doubt that this act will tip the scales in his favor, I must do what I can for the good of my country. I see Senator Obama as the best hope for righting the Ship of State that President Bush has spent his entire presidency sinking.

Our government is without moral character, with no trust for its people and actively subverting the very document from which it gains its authority. We are seen as a pariah by the world at large. We are entangled in a meaningless, damaging war, while our real enemies move without fear out of our now-limited reach. We are on the brink of near-term economic ruin due to the lack of oversight by our government and its outright advocacy of a culture of greed. We are broken as a people and the government that is supposed to serve us is more broken still. Only a radical rethinking of our government will save us. Only a radically new vision of leadership will inspire Americans as individuals to do their part to reclaim America's position as a great nation, one worthy of respect. Among those running for president, only Barack Obama can be that leader.

Too many of our leaders believe that because it can be done, it must be right. Obama believes that because it is right, it must be done. Only through doing that which is right can America be saved from itself. And make no mistake, no matter what foes lie beyond our borders, we are our own worst enemy.

I urge you to support Barack Obama in any way that you are able. Make sure that you vote in the primaries. Donate to his campaign. Volunteer for rallies and other grassroots work. You can visit his web site to find out how you can contribute to his victory, to our victory.

Obama for President!

29 January 2008

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