I often write about Congress whoring itself out. Generally, I’m speaking metaphorically. Today, however, I get to deal with real honest-to-God hookerdom.
Sen. David Vitter’s (R-LA) phone number turned up on the so-called DC Madam’s phone list that she turned over to the media. What is surprising – in spite of the fact that he was caught with his pants down! – is that Vitter has copped to the money-for-sex allegations. Indeed, it seems that he frequented the DC prostitution ring not only during his Senate term, but during his previous time as a Congressman as well. What is more, Vitter’s sexual forays into the open market were not limited to Washington. The Times-Picayune reports that Vitter earlier frequented a famous New Orleans brothel in the mid 1990s.
It was that paragon of journalistic excellence Hustler Magazine that dug up the dirt. I can only assume that Vitter went to the AP with his story to avoid the embarrassment of being outed by Huster. The shame of it all! Yes, I am enjoying this, but it gets even better. Vitter’s predecessor in the House, Bob Livingston (R-LA) was run out of office when Larry Flint of Hustler fame exposed him as an adulterer. Who knew that Flint would be the White Knight, hoisting self righteous prigs on their own petards?
I take aim at Vitter as a Republican not because I don’t believe that Democrats enjoy these same vices. I’m certain that they do. However, I am gleeful over such revelations about Republicans because they preach from on high, believing that they and they alone know what is pure and castigate those whom they know to be sinners. What nerve! And what poppycock!
Only a year ago, Vitter was on the Senate floor extolling the virtues of traditional marriage. He went so far as to call for an amendment to the Constitution to “defend” that document from homosexuals whose “depravity” offended him so. Perhaps he could have picked a better support for his arguments than cheating on his wife? What is perhaps more perfectly ironic is that after Vitter’s I-have-sinned moment, there were still previously-made campaign commercials on his Senate web site calling for a “return to family values.” Is this a great country or what?!? /sigh
Of course, what one should really be asking is why, in today’s world, do any of these joker’s believe that they will get away with this stuff? When you live by the sword, you die by the sword.
11 July 2007
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