Saturday, July 21, 2007

The American Enemy, P. 2

Yesterday, I wrote of a new campaign within the Bush Administration to brand Americans who have disagreed with his Iraq War policies as the reason behind our fumbling there. It is a clear case of trying to shift the blame from their own incompitence. The focus of my writing was a ludicrous letter sent from Undersecretary of Defense Eric Edelman to Sen. Hillary Clinton condemning her for reinforcing "enemy propaganda." I also noted that Edelman's missive was in direct conflicts with earlier statements of Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. Well, today Gates has begun a review of the matter.

I have long been a staunch advocate of Congressional oversight, first at the CIA and now at the Defense Department. I have said on several occasions in recent months that I believe that congressional debate on Iraq has been constructive and appropriate. I had not seen Senator Clinton’s reply to Ambassador Edelman’s letter until today. I am looking into the issues she raised and will respond to them early next week.

As David Kurtz over at TPM put it, that isn't quite a rebuke of Edelman, but we'll see if Gates steps up to that, as he should, once his review is completed. Election Central has other coverage of the matter. Slate is also covering the story and its larger political context. Stay tuned.

21 July 2007

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