Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July

My nation is another year older. Hopefully, we are waking up to the chaos around us and gaining wisdom as a result. Even as a Superpower, the only real Superpower currently in existence, we face threats that are very real. This should be news to no one. However, our worst enemies are those that come from within. Most historic empires have fallen not because of outside forces, although they may certainly play a role. Rather, they fall because of a society that has grown too complacent, with leaders that have grown too corrupt. We are in such a position. There is still time to recover, but the clock, as it were, is ticking.

On that sober note, though with hope, I wish for your and yours -- and for our Nation -- a very happy, safe, and fun 4th of July. And because it is our day of independence, I direct you here to an astute call for independence from the President. (The piece is worth reading, but watch the video of the address if you can. With footage for context, it sits better.)

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