Thursday, July 26, 2007

Make Every Vote Count

A bill has been introduced in Congress to help shore up our voting system here in the US, the Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act (H.R. 811). In the past several national elections, mistakes have been made in states leading to vote tallies that have been incorrect. Indeed, it has been charged that in several states outright fraud has been the norm. A democracy cannot stand without a secure system in which every vote is tallied correctly. The Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act will help do just that. It will

prevent the use of paperless electronic voting machines and will require audits to check the accuracy of the vote counts for federal elections. The bill includes security provisions that ban Internet connections for voting machines, as well as for systems that tabulate the votes on election night. It also makes the paper ballot the official record in audits and recounts, and requires election officials to post a notice explaining to voters the need to verify their vote.

Working Assets has set up an easy-to-use form to allow you to voice your support of H.R. 811 to your Member of Congress. Click here to make your voice heard.

26 July 2007

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