Wednesday, July 25, 2007

“Fox Noise”

Fox News has had a history of mistakenly identifying Republican politicians as Democrats when they are caught doing something illegal, immoral, or otherwise politically inconvenient that many are wondering if it is indeed done mistakenly at all. Examples include referring to former Representative Mark Foley – yes, the Foley from the Congressional page sex scandal – as a Democrat during the coverage of said scandal a year ago and referring to Senator Arlen Specter as a Democrat as Specter hammered President Bush’s Attorney General yesterday during Judiciary Committee hearings. Heck, when reporting polling results that were unfavorable to a Republican candidate last year in a Senate race in Rhode Island, Fox News simply changed the party affiliation of the two candidates to make it appear as if the Republican was ahead in the poll. (Of course, given the way that Mitt Romney is flipping and flopping, one may have to forgive them on this one.)

There is no real story here. Anyone with any sense knows that Fox News is anything but “fair and balanced.” Still, it is nice to call them on their more blatant crap every once in a while.

To insure that credit is given where credit is due, it should be noted that Keith Olbermann often refers to Fox News as “Fox Noise” on his Countdown program.

25 July 2007

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