Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Protect the Vote!

Join the ACLU in pressuring the Justice Department to fulfill its mandate to protect voters rights. The right to vote is our most basic freedom. Voter suppression by third-party forces threatens this right. However, an even greater threat to our democracy is government complicity in this suppression. Do not stand silent.

From the ACLU:

We are on the eve of one of the most historic elections of our time. And the last thing America needs right now is another election that leaves us uncertain of its legitimacy.

Unfortunately, there are enough shenanigans going on to raise serious concerns.

The biggest of them all: Attorney General Mukasey and the Department of Justice (DOJ) are walking away from their sacred responsibility to guarantee smooth and fair elections.

While the government is engaged in a highly-publicized attempt to raise the specter of voter fraud against groups who have been working hard to register poor and minority voters, DOJ is doing little -- if anything -- to deal with the real problem -- hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of registered voters who may turn up on Election Day just to be turned away.

I just asked the DOJ to take decisive action before Election Day to protect the right to vote for everyone. You can do the same here:

Election officials should concentrate their limited resources on expanding access to the ballot box and protecting voters. Demand that the Department of Justice act to protect voting rights.

22 October 2008

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