Tuesday, October 14, 2008

California's Proposition 8

Proposition 8 is currently on the California ballot for next month's election. If passed, it would repeal the right of same-sex couples to marry. In an effort to help stave off the destruction of this basic human right, I sent the following message to friends and family.
As you may know, there is a state constitution measure on the ballot in California that would reverse the basic human right to marry for gay couples that is currently the law of the land in that state. Polling indicated that Californians opposed the measure until recently. However, there has been a massive, massive push of ugly, negative, and quite often misleading advertising that has now swayed the public slightly in favor of the measure. This push has come as the result of a huge influx of cash from the far right, a lot of it from outside California. Now, organizations in favor of freedom and equality are pushing back.

The Human Rights Campaign has secured donors who have agreed to match donations -- thereby doubling the value of any donation -- in an effort to combat this anti-equality message in California. I made a donation to this effort this morning and I'm sharing this with you in the hope that you may decide to follow suit.


The thought of California turning back the clock after winning these basic human rights for its citizens literally makes me sick to my stomach. Hopefully, its citizens will rise to the occasion and do the right thing, voting no on Proposition 8.

Thanks for your time.
Due to its encrypted nature, the above link may need to be cut-and-pasted into your browser.

Citizens of California, plase VOTE NO on Propostion 8. If you have friends or relatives in California, please urge them to do the same.

14 October 2008

Addition: Is this The Great "Prop 8" Schlep?

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