Saturday, February 2, 2008

Obama in Santa Fe

Barack Obama spoke in both Albuquerque and Santa Fe yesterday. I chose to attend the speech in Santa Fe. The turnout was stunning. We waited outside for two hours to get into the facility and another two hours to get out of the parking lot after the rally. It is estimated that as many people listened to Obama outside on speakers as there were who were much warmer with me in the building. That it was in the 20s and so many people who could not get in chose to wait and hear him speak speaks volumes about the man and the passion that he is building among the electorate.

His rally speech, although I'm sure simply a regional variation on his normal stump speech, was amazing. He is such an accomplished speaker and easily moves a crowd. If you ever get the chance to see him, regardless of your political proclivities, I recommend it.

I saw former President Clinton speak in Albuquerque the day prior. He was good, but did not fire the crowd like Obama. Also, it is interesting to note that there were fewer folks at the Clinton event in spite of the fact that it was held on the campus of the University of New Mexico. I would have thought that the former president would have drawn more spectators than he did.

Vote Obama!

2 February 2008

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