Monday, February 4, 2008

Final FISA Push - Act Now!

Once again, word from Michael Kieschnick of CREDO from Working Assets:

Late last week the Senate agreed to consider a series of amendments that could improve the bad wiretapping bill reported from the Senate Intelligence Committee. While there will be a number of provisions designed to limit warrantless wiretapping and protect our civil liberties, the most important vote will be on the amendment offered by Senators Dodd and Feingold to strip retroactive immunity for telecom companies from the bill.

The good news is that the Dodd-Feingold amendment just needs a simple majority to pass.

Will you contact your senators today and ask them to vote to strip retroactive immunity from the Intelligence bill?

George Bush and Dick Cheney are pulling out all the stops to give their friends at Verizon and AT&T immunity. Retroactive immunity would prevent us from finding out what the Bush administration asked these companies to do and who asked them to act outside of the law.

It would also prevent the big telecoms from ever being held accountable for violating the privacy and rights of millions of Americans.

We can stop retroactive immunity, but we need you to ask your senators to vote for the Dodd-Feingold amendment.

Click here to take action.

Our country is at its strongest when we are governed by the rule of law, not the rule of rightwing ideologues and authoritarian presidents in bed with our largest corporations. Stripping retroactive immunity from the current bill would ensure that the Senate preserves the rule of law in America.

We've fought hard to get to this point. Now we need 51 votes. The Senate will vote this week, possibly as early as Monday night. Can you take action and then get a few friends involved too?

Click here to tell your senators: uphold the rule of law.

Thank you for everything you've done to defend the rule of law.

Michael Kieschnick, President and Co-Founder
CREDO Mobile

You can answer this call for action by using the web form found here. The vote could come as early as today, so please don't delay in getting your voice heard.

4 February 2008

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