Saturday, May 10, 2008

Senate FCC Rollback?

From Credo Action:

This is the moment of truth for the U.S. media. In December 2007, the Federal Communications Commission voted 3-2 to gut the longstanding "newspaper/broadcast cross-ownership" ban that prohibits a local newspaper from owning TV and radio stations in the same market. This decision will mean less local news, less diverse perspectives and less competition in our country's media system.

The new rules will let big media conglomerates get even bigger, gobbling up local news outlets in your town. This is bad for journalism, bad for media diversity, and bad for our democracy.

However, on March 6, members of the Senate stepped up to overturn the FCC's dangerous rule changes. A "resolution of disapproval" introduced by Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) would nullify the FCC decision and protect local news around the country. That's the good news. The bad news is that according to Senate rules, we only have 60 legislative days to get this bill passed. We need your help to build the momentum and overturn the FCC's rule changes.

As we move into a very important election year, will a handful of companies continue to control what we see, hear and read every day? Or will a more responsive media that serves the public interest win out? It's up to you.

So please make your voice heard. Sign the petition at right to Majority Leader Harry Reid and your senators in support of Senator Dorgan's resolution of disapproval of the new media ownership rules.

You can sign the on-line petition that will be delivered to the Senate here. I originally blogged on this topic here.

10 May 2008

Addition on 15 May 2008: Josh Silver of sent me an e-mail today that read in part...

Just moments ago, by a near-unanimous vote, the Senate stood up to Big Media. They voted to throw out the FCC decision to let the largest media companies swallow up even more local media.

This is simply an astounding victory, and it would not have happened without the massive grassroots effort by you and thousands of others who called their senators, sent more than a quarter million letters, posted thousands of pictures and stories on, and testified at public hearings held by the FCC.

It was your dedication that made today's Senate win possible.

Today was a huge step forward, but there is still much to do. The fight against the FCC now moves to the House, where our elected representatives need to hear from us.

President Bush has promised that he will try to veto this bill. But tonight the Senate and the American people have spoken with one voice. This historic vote sends a clear message that the only people who support more media consolidation are Big Media lobbyists and the White House.

We are in this struggle to bring more minority ownership, diverse perspectives and independent voices to the media. We need to make media consolidation an election-year issue. And we need to start talking about how to break up the giant conglomerates.

Corporate news today -- with its propaganda pundits, horse-race election coverage, and celebrity gossip -- undermines our democracy. We must continue to speak out and demand that the public airwaves be used to actually serve the public.

In just three weeks, thousands of people will be gathering together in Minnesota to build the movement for better media. You can join them at the National Conference for Media Reform, just visit

For today, know that you played a key role in the fight for better media for all.


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