Friday, May 23, 2008

Artic Drilling, What Savings?

A report commissioned by no less than corrupt and oil-drilling-happy Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK) came to some conclusions that the senator probably didn't want to have known. The first was that new drilling in Alaska wouldn't actually produce oil for the US for at least a decade. Second, even then the projected reduction in world price of crude oil from a such a new supply would be 75 cents... per barrel. Which means, of course, that any reduction in gasoline prices that one pays at the pump would be much, much, much less.

With oil prices so high and high gas prices such a political issue, there is going to be a lot of political posturing to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling. It is a shell game of political expediency, both in hopes of buying votes and in obtaining campaign contributions (e.g. bribes) from oil companies. We as a nation would lose what is perhaps our most pristine area of uncut land and our people would save a couple of pennies -- maybe!?! -- on a gallon of gas... in a decade's time.

Just say "no."

23 May 2008

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