Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ted Kennedy Dead at 77

As you might imagine, a great deal has already been written about his passing, not to mention about the man himself. I'll link a few here.

Love him or not, he was a giant in the Senate. In his later career, health care reform was his baby and I'm actually hopeful that by the true end of his life, he was unable to see what was going on regarding this issue. It would have broken his heart.

TPM Obituary

Overview of reaction from The Huffington Post

Huffington Post blogging on Kennedy

President Obama on Kennedy's Passing

And, since I'm now a citizen of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, I'll note that the New York Times has a piece on issues regarding succession to his Senate seat.

26 August 2009

Addition: Vice President Joe Biden speaks about Kennedy.

Jonathan Alter on Kennedy, from Newsweek.

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