Wednesday, December 12, 2007

FISA Filibuster Needed

From Will Easton of Working Assets on an imminent vote on the FISA bill that would give retroactive immunity to telecom companies who have, at the behest of the Bush Administration, trampled upon the Fourth Amendment rights of Americans.

We filibuster or we lose.

The White House does not often lose a fight that really matters. But public outrage and some smart organzing by liberal groups have so far prevented the Senate from granting a "get out of jail free" card to telecom companies who helped Bush spy illegally on Americans.

So far.

Why does Bush want amnesty for AT&T and Verizon? Retroactive immunity for the telecom companies would thwart telecom customer lawsuits that threaten to expose Bush's own violations of the original Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. If these lawsuits aren't allowed to go forward, we may never know the extent of the Bush administration's illegal efforts to spy on American citizens without the required warrants.

Time is short and we must act now.

The Bush administration is fighting back. This time, with a version of FISA that lets the telcos off the hook by making the federal government the defendant in pending cases instead of the telecom companies. We must act now before key democrats cave to the White House and approve this measure. A vote is expected as early as tomorrow.

Our best hope is a filibuster. Senator Dodd has pledged to filibuster any bill that gives amnesty to the telecom companies. But to prevail he needs 40 senators to support him. The choice is clear: our senators can stand with the constitution, or help Bush and his cronies cover up their lawbreaking

Tell your senators to support Senator Dodd and filibuster any FISA legislation that lets AT&T and Verizon off the hook.

This vote will happen as early as tomorrow, as stated, so let your Senators know that you oppose the measure and that it should be filibustered. You can use the form located here to do so.

12 December 2007

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