Friday, November 30, 2007

Rudy's Shag Fund

Rudy Giuliani has had a tough week. One of the big hits to his campaign has been the revelation that he billed tens of thousands of dollars for security and other expenditures to little-known New York City agencies in an effort to keep his affair with then-paramour, now-wife a secret. (See my post A Giuliani Two-fer from 28 November.) He's responded this week by saying that it was a common practice throughout his mayorship and perfectly legal. However, it seems to only have occurred on trips for these trysts, not on other trips of a less "conjugal" nature. What is more, New York City officials have come out of the woodwork to say that Rudy is lying and that this is not how things would -- or should -- correctly be one in The Big Apple. Among them is NYC's police chief. Take a look.

30 November 2007

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