On September 17th, in a piece titled "Blackwater Ordered Out of Iraq," I indicated that the private security firm would be unlikely to leave Iraq in spite of the Iraqi government ordering them out. Indeed, the Iraqis have determined in their own minds that Blackwater was entirely at fault in last weekend's bloody shootout that left civilians dead. They still want the firm out of the country. However, the Iraqis really don't have the muscle to push the firm out. And of course, while we pay lip service to "the democratically-elected government" if Iraq and to the "sovereignty" of this nation, we don't really act this way. We are certainly not going to comply with the wishes of Iraq and force Blackwater to leave. The best we'll do is to have Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice promise to look into the matter.
We have lost a great many things in this war. Certainly our national integrity is in tatters. Are we not becoming that which we are supposed to despise?
21 September 2007
Edit: A White House with no good answers. Hell, really it has no answers at all. I wonder if Dana Perino actually comes with a string on her back?
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