Friday, November 20, 2015

Rep. Steve Russell (R-OK) Speech on Syrian Refugees

Quoting Caitlin Macneal at TPM, where you should read her full story.

Rep. Steve Russell (R-OK) delivered a speech on the House floor Wednesday tearing into his colleagues' push to restrict Syrian refugees' ability to come to the U.S., arguing that such policies will make the U.S. like the Islamic State. 
"While I have focused my comments on actions we should take to eliminate ISIS, one action we should not take is to become like them. America is a lamp that lights the horizon of civilized and free mankind. The Statue of Liberty cannot have a stiff arm. Her arm must continue to keep the torch burning brightly," he said in his floor speech.
"But if we use our passions and our anger, fear, and we use that to snuff our her flame by xenophobic and knee-jerk policy, the enemy wins. We have played into their hands. Period," he continued.
He noted that in 1939, members of Congress made similar comments opposing a refugee bill that would have aided Jews fleeing Nazi Germany. 
"America protects her liberty and defends her shores not by punishing those who would be free. She does it by guarding liberty with her life. Americans need to sacrifice and wake up. We must not become them. They win if we give up who we are and even more-so without a fight," Russell said.

Video of the speech:

Take heed, GOP, take heed.

20 November 2015

24 November 2015:  And then he folded like a three-legged card table.  /sigh

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