Thursday, July 10, 2014

Failure of Republican Governors

Interesting piece at TPM on the hard-right moves by Republican governors, often combined with state legislatures, and their resulting failure to achieve any of their stated economic goals.  Kansas, Louisiana, North Carolina, Texas, and Wisconsin are detailed.  I would point out again that the policies of the right don't work, but as the author Seth D. Michaels notes, perhaps they are working as intended.

Of course, judging all of these policies against their promised impact — Sam Brownback’s state revenues, North Carolina’s unemployment picture, Scott Walker’s jobs record — is just begging the question. Don’t look at what their experiments are supposed to produce, because you’re bound to be disappointed. 
The advocates of the right-wing ideological agenda use job growth and higher revenues as a selling point, but it’s not actually relevant to their goals. The goal is to have government do less stuff for people on the lower end of the economic spectrum, and stay out of the way of the people on the higher end. That’s what they want to build in the laboratories of democracy.

10 July 2014

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