Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Democatic National Convention: Day 1

My wife and I watched the first evening of the Democratic National Convention and love it.  I have to say, where has this messaging been for the past three years?  Heck, why haven't the Democrats been this focused on message for the past forty years?  It would be a very different America if they had been.

There were some great speeches and those that were not great were at least good.  And everything was unified and wove a focused tale, one that could be picked up in the media again and again and again.  It was exactly what Republicans have been good at for years.  And strangly enough, when watching this year's Republican National Convention, was lacking.  Whether the Democrats' better packaging can beat Republican money remains to be seen, but damn, it seems that they are giving it their all.

Michelle Obama

Julian Castro

Deval Patrick

Lily Ledbetter

Tammy Duckworth

Kal Penn

Stacy Lihn - Video + Speech

One final take-away from watching these speeches is the reality of diversity.  The Republicans touted the diversity of their speakers this year at their convention and indeed, they had more people of color speaking than ever before.  Be that as it may, however, when the cameras panned the RNC crowd -- its delegates, its core -- it was white on white on white.  Looking at the crowd at the DNC it is easy to see that diversity -- and by extension inclusion -- is a reality for the Democratic party, not a talking point.

It was also heartening to hear gay-friendly utternances repeated again and again in so many speeches.  Bravo!

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