Friday, August 19, 2011

Migraine Relief: Water

I discovered a migraine relief technique that did -- remarkably enough -- provide me with some relief.  I have used it several times and it has been successful, or patially successful, each time.  It involves water in two applications.

First, fill a basin with water as hot as you can stand without burning yourself.  You will dip your feet in this.

Second, fill and ice pack.  You will apply this to the back of your neck, focusing on the side you actually feel your migraine, if any.  (I used a quart-sized ziplock bag and then wrapped it in a hand towel.  A can of cold soda was also suggested.)

You want to apply these for about 20 minutes.  It is also suggested to use a dim, quiet room.

It was said to work best when one is just feeling the headache starting and each time I have done this, the migraine was stopped in its tracks.  No meds were taken.

On a day when I had a truly debilitating migraine -- the worst that I've had in some time -- I tried this at hour 14.  It did not do what medication also could not;  it did not end the headache.  However, it did reduce the pain by a considerable factor.  I was very pleasantly surprised.

It was said that this doesn't work for everyone.  However, it seems to help me.  I hope that it will help you as well.

19 August 2011

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