Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Earthquake: Haiti

I spent part of the summer of 1985 in Haiti building schools in many smaller villages around the island nation.  Today, I'm wondering if those schools are still standing.  A massive 7.0 earthquake has struck Haiti and as many as 100,000 are feared dead.  I remember my time in Haiti fondly and found its people to be friendly and full of joy... in the face of crushing poverty and dictatorship.

Pat Robertson, dead soul and all-around moron, says that the Haitians brought this on themselves via a "pact with the devil."  (Does anyone actually listen to this nitwit?)  Haitian governments have long failed their people and the people themselves have made some questionable decisions, especially regarding their environment.  However, those decisions by the people stem much more from reacting to the day-to-day quest for their very survival than from stupidity or malice.  On a good day, Robertson should be stuffed in a toilet.  Today, that toilet should be flushed for good.

How can you help?  I can tell you that Haiti itself will need help.  They will be overwhelmed.  Check out this page of organizations at The Huffington Post.  Doctors Without Borders would be an organization that I'd recommend for their right-now impact.  If you can recommend a good organization for current or longer-term recovery efforts, please let us know.

God bless Haiti and those helping the nation now.

13 January 2010

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