Thursday, June 11, 2009

"The Degradation of the American Dialogue"

Following in the wake of the shooting at the American Holocaust Museum and the murder of Dr. George Tiller in Kansas, Michael Rowe has written an insightful piece at The Huffington Post titled Death at the Holocaust Museum and the Degradation of the American Dialogue. It is not to be missed.

In it, he addresses how today's media climate sets the stage for the greater, national discourse on many matters that often devolves into a xenophobic, hateful frenzy. Talking heads use this speech to make money and when they are called on it, they wrap themselves in the First Amendment. However, that speech is protected does not make it wise... does not make it right. Moreover, it can kill. And perhaps much worse, it can unhinge segments of society and perhaps unravel that society altogether.

11 June 2009

12 June 2009 Addition: In his New York Times op-ed yesterday, economist Paul Krugman spoke on the same topic and to the same fears.

Addition: Frank Schaeffer, former right wing nut job, wrote a great piece on this topic back on the 1st of June at The Huffington Post. What is interesting about his take is that he admits to being an insider in the movement that furthered, and in some cases created, the hate that ultimately has led to violence.

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