Friday, January 16, 2009

The George Bush Years

I'd been contemplating writing a recap of the Bush presidency. The last eight years have seen a marked decline in the status, influence, and strength of the nation, quite probably the greatest in our history. Bush is easily the greatest failure as a leader in the modern era if not in our history as a whole. However, I'm worn out on the guy. Or maybe I've been worn out by him. Watching his farewell address last night, I could not even muster rage at his words, although pity was far from my mind. It is simply that he has done a great deal to dig America into a very, very deep hole and now the next guy must attempt to dig us out... if he can.

Arianna Huffington wrote a short piece today at her site.
It is worth a look at the whole thing, but the tease for it is as follows:

Arianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington: Bush's Farewell Address: Still Delusional After All These Years

Thursday night's valedictory speech was quintessential Bush: delusional from beginning to end. He made Afghanistan sound like a swell place to vacation when, in truth, only those with a death wish venture out these days without an armed convoy. He lauded Iraq as "a friend of the United States" -- without ever mentioning the fact that if Iraq has a BFF it is Iran, not America. He claimed that America's "air, water, and lands are measurably cleaner." Who is doing the measuring, the same eco-unfriendly companies to which he handed his environmental policies? It's dangerous spin. It's easy to feel a pang of pity for a guy heading out the door. But the more sympathy he evokes, the more susceptible we are to the lies he is telling. Before we know it, his revisionism becomes accepted as the truth.

I'm sure there will be more recaps of Bush in the week to come. When I see a good one, I'll let you know.

16 January 2009

Edit: 17 January 2009: Video with Huffington here.

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