Friday, March 21, 2008

Obama > Clinton

I've been away on vacation for a bit and my wife and I have had loads of time in the car to talk politics. One of our covered topics is that the race for the Democratic nomination is over. Obama has won it. Case closed. There is basically no way that Obama can lose using any electoral math. Thus, for Clinton to take the nomination, it would have to be handed to her. Anyone who believes that this would not send African American voters into a tizzy -- and rightly so -- is crazy. They are among the strongest of Democratic voters and are all but necessary to win many states for the Democratic Party at all levels. Snubbing Obama would be political suicide not only in the presidential contest, but in many state-wide races as well.

All of this means that Clinton is only living a dream. That dream is only the possibility of a nightmare for her party, as she does the job of the Rebublicans against her party's eventual nominee.

The press, of course, has been working the "down-to-the-wire" nature of the Democratic race for all it's worth. There are many reasons for this and The Politico has a good story on this issue.

21 March 2008

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