Monday, June 18, 2007

Holsinger for Surgeon General

President Bush has nominated Dr. James Holsinger to become our next Surgeon General. For the President, the nomination is entirely a political game. Dr. Holsinger is a far-right crackpot who is adored by the religious right. Thus, he gets bonus points from this portion of his base – which is pretty much his base in total now – for the nomination, regardless of whether or not Holsinger is confirmed. On that subject, Democrats who fight the nomination – and rightly so – will stir up a hornets nest in that Fox News et al will run with the story and whip the aforementioned base into a further frenzy prior to the 2008 elections. It is win-win for the Republicans and lose-lose for America as a whole.

You can help confront the President on this issue and send a message to Congress to deny Dr. Holsinger confirmation by the Senate. The HRC has an on-line form that makes it easy to send your message electronically to the members of our government who hold sway on this issue. If you would like to contact your senators in another way, you can find their contact information here.

The HRC opposes Dr. Holsinger for this position due to his radical and radically unscientific views on homosexuality. While his views are unfortunate, he is entitled to them as a private citizen. They are anathema, however, for the “doctor of our nation” and the protector of our collective health.

18 June 2007

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