Thursday, May 10, 2007

Worst People in America

I’m in a bad mood today and thought a version of “counting sheep” might help. I always giggle at Keith Olbermann’s “Worst Person in the World” lists on his “Countdown” program on MSNBC. I therefore thought that I’d make my own such list today over lunch. I’ll restrict myself to America to help focus the angst.

In no particular order, the ten worst people in America today are:

Tom DeLay, Bradley Schlozman, Paris Hilton, George W. Bush, Ann Coulter, Dick Cheney, Bill O’Reilly, Alec Baldwin, Karl Rove, Paul Wolfowitz, and the person who leaked the Alec Baldwin tape to the media.

Yes, I know that is eleven, but I’m counting both Baldwin references as one unit. It’s my list and I’ll do what I want. Consider it a “baker’s dozen” after a fashion.

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