Friday, August 13, 2010

Signs of the Apocalypse

And these aren't even about Sarah Palin!

13 August 2010

Playing Possum... not!

It occurred to me recently that, were I to have an opossum as a pet, I would not know how to properly massage said opossum such that the opossum would reach a state of complete relaxation.  Now, we all want relaxed pets and this would certainly be true for those of us with pet opossums, should we become people with pet opossums.  You can imagine my distress upon realizing this deficiency in my background.  Fortunately, and as it does for so many states of ignorance, the Internet came to my rescue.  Thus, when one wants properly massage one's opossum, one can search for such knowledge right here.

I shit you not.

13 August 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Nothing up my sleeve... presto!

Videos that are funny for reasons you might not expect.  Language warning in number eight.

1 August 2010

What Would Reagan Do?

A very interesting article in Newsweek addresses this question to modern conservatives.  It suggests that the answers might surprise most of them.

1 August 2010

Addition:  An op-ed in the Times yesterday by David Stockman, a Director of the OMB under Reagan, is also interesting in relation to this topic.