Thursday, April 11, 2013


My sister sent me a link to a short film -- or some would say music video -- celebrating marriage equality.  Titled Same Love, it is by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis.

My sister sent it with the following comment.  "I know you've probably heard the Thrift Shop song to death, but this new one you'd really like.  Such a great song!"

There are several issues here.  First, I had no idea who Macklemore & Ryan Lewis are.  Second, after finding Thrift Shop on YouTube, I quickly determined that I'd never before heard it.   Third, while I've probably been old for a long time, I think it may have just become official!  :-/

My sister always was cooler than I am.

Lyrics warning on the second if you have children near.

11 April 2013

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now you have your finger on the pulse, bro...