Monday, December 17, 2012

Mental Illness: A National Conversation

Following the horrific events in Connecticut last week, there was another call for gun control.  All previous calls have gone unanswered and honestly, most were not pushed that hard.  This time it might be different, but even if something passes, my guess is that it will be the barest minimum of restrictions.

Guns aside, I heard from friends about this writing last night and I think that it is worth sharing.  Liza Long wrote "I am Adam Lanza's Mother:  A Mom's Perspective on the Mental Illness Conversation in America."  It is worth your time.

I would argue that she is correct.  I would also argue that there are a lot of things that we should be doing as a society to minimize the likelihood of this type of event, on a lot of different fronts.  And yes, "minimize" because we are never going to prevent them.  Sad, but true.

17 December 2012

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