Friday, March 5, 2010

Funny Stuff

The most ridiculous caution signs.  Wonderful!

Creepy classified ads.  Renew your faith in humanity.

Presidential trivia.  OK!

Duck replaces doctor.  What a quack!  (Touching story.  I provided the quack joke.)

Following a different path, Jon Stewart again discredits Fox "News."  Yes, he does this quite often, but this one is funnier than most... and that is saying something.

As you probably know, we from Massachusetts have elected ourselves a new Senator, a Republican who once posed nude for Cosmo Magazine.  Now, even funnier is what his wife was doing back in the 1980s!  If you haven't found yourself staring at her hands in news footage before, you certainly will now!

And finally, while not really funny, sidewalk art that is really amazing.  Enjoy.

5 March 2010

Addition:  I'll point you back to this post from December for more humor, should you have missed it.

Addition 2: Today came Staticky Cat vs. Balloon:  A Showdown.  You can watch it without sound, but it is funnier with the music.  No cats were harmed in the making of this film, but one was really, really cheesed off.

11 March 2010 Addition: A friend forwarded the following YouTube Clips to me, which are related.  Someone has produced a intro for "Han Solo, P.I." in the spirit of "Magnum, P.I."  The two intros can be seen here side-by-side.  The new Han Solo intro can be seen here alone in a larger format.

Also on the funny front, I've learned that Betty White will be hosting SNL on May 8th.  For Betty White, I'll watch SNL.  Hmmm, I wonder if Abe Vigoda will do a cameo?

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