Wednesday, November 21, 2007

McClellan's Publisher Takes a Mulligan

Yesterday, in a post titled Bush Knew of Plame Outing, I told of a new book by former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan. An early excerpt from the book made it look very much like McClellan was implicating Bush in the outing of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame. As you might imagine, this was big news. Now, however, the publisher is backing away from this "claim." Yes, it tried to play the media and it won, but now the heat may just be too hot.

The truth, at least in so far as what is written in the book, is that McClellan may actually be trying to absolve the President himself in Plame-gate, saying that while the President did mislead him, he did so unknowingly. In other words, "he was a clueless as I was."

What McClellan will say about the other four men outlined in yesterday's release is currently unknown.

21 November 2007

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