Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Frontline: Iranian Confrontation

I have previously noted that the Bush Administration seems to be moving in the direction of an armed conflict with Iran. While we lack -- completely -- the forces for a ground campaign against this country, thanks to the Administration's complete cluster-$%#@ in Iraq, bombing their nuclear facilities remains an option. Granted, it would be a horrible, horrible mistake, but that is word "go" to Cheney and Company.

What could be worse for our position within the Islamic/Arabic worlds than to attack another Islamic nation? Iran will be a nuclear state one day. We cannot prevent that. Moreover, it looks like Russia is siding with Iran on these issues, adding to the possible repercussions that will be with us for a long time to come.

Anywho, Frontline will be airing a special, Showdown with Iran, on these issues tonight. No doubt, it will be worth watching.

23 October 2007

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