Friday, October 26, 2012

Best Political Ad Ever

My sister turned me on to this political ad from South Dakota.  While it is sad that education, the environment, travel, and corn dogs are now seen as a political liability, at least it provides us with this level of comedy.

26 October 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

How-to Tips

An article on The Huffington Post by Bruce Lubin reads (w/o links):

For 20 years, Bruce Lubin and his wife Jeanne have been collecting tips and hints to save time, money, and make everyday tasks easier. Their book "Who Knew?"by TeleBrands includes thousands of money saving secrets for cooking, cleaning, and all around your home. We are republishing a fabulous cleaning tip from the book on how make white socks white again. 
Saving money starts at home, and the tips in this section will give you simple ways to make your money go further both inside and outside your home. As you move from room to room, you'll discover how to affordably clean your home using all-natural, homemade cleaners; get rid of any kind of stain on the planet; organize like a whiz; keep your car at its best; and perform simple household repairs. You'll be amazing by some of our surprising solutions for your most suborn parties. 
Weird but true: Discolored socks will return to their original color if you boil them in a pot of water with a few slices of lemon. 
For more unique cleaning and organizing tips, head over to Who Knew Tips.
"Who Knew Tips" can be found here.  For above links head to the story linked above.
22 October 2012

Addition:  Well, it appears that Google added the links!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Binders Full of Women

Following Mitt Romney's comment in the second presidential debate last week, the phrase took off on social media.  My sister sent me these two links.

Gawker and Tumblr

A funny example from Gawker:

The most interesting point on all of this is that what Romney said at the debate simply isn't true.  Of course, even before these facts emerged, his comments forced the question... why after that long in business, an active social life, and running the Salt Lake Olympics didn't Romney know of a great many women to tap for senior roles?

19 October 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

Wake the F&CK Up!

From The Huffington Post & Benjy Sarlin:

Some super PACs spend millions attacking President Obama on jobs. Some super PACs tie Mitt Romney to outsourcing. Then there’s the one that has Samuel Jackson screaming “Hell no, motherf***ers!” at elderly voters.

While television ad blitz is still the go-to move for outside groups this election, one small super PAC has been generating impressive amounts of attention by focusing almost exclusively on online videos. 

You have probably seen at least one of the clips from the Jewish Council for Education and Research. Their most recent video features the aforementioned Jackson urging a family of 2008 Obama supporters via storybook rhyme to “wake the f*** up!” and volunteer again. It’s garnered 1.5 million views on YouTube and likely much more via an embedded Yahoo version where it first debuted. 

Written by the bestselling author of Go the F*** to Sleep, Adam Mansbach, and directed by Boaz Yakin (Remember The Titans), the short film contains all the hallmarks of JCER’s viral formula. Well known actor + obscenity + progressive message = Internet hit.

 Warning: Wonderful adult language.  LOL

12 October 2012

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Han’s Legal Justification For Shooting Greedo First

A friend sent me this from Legal Geeks.  It is the legal argument for Han not being criminally liable for shooting Greedo in Star Wars.  Awesome.  It also again demonstrates why George Lucas is a tool.

That said, he is good for something (e.g. George Lucas In Love).  And that's it.

I am so ready for someone to write an agricultural space trajedy.

3 October 2012

Anne Geddes: Beneath the Diaper

Anne Geddes: Beneath the Diaper

3 October 2012